You Can Help
Hope Ranch for Women invites you to join us in serving survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation in our community and beyond. There are so many ways you can make a difference in the lives of women who are survivors of human trafficking.
In addition to the ways you can help our women below, let us know if you or someone else are in need of Hope Ranch.


Make a contribution and help with the holistic transformation of a survivor at Hope Ranch. Your gift will help a woman experience God’s love and heal in mind, body and soul.
Send Supplies
In addition to financial support, we also accept donations of supplies to help support the women in our care.
The greatest resources you have are your time and talent. Put them to work at Hope Ranch by becoming a volunteer. Help with facilities management or talk to us about bringing your unique skill set.

Our mentors are incredibly courageous and compassionate. Each trained mentor builds a positive, meaningful relationship with a woman who needs a reliable presence in her life. She is a godly model in living, learning, and loving well. Studies have shown that there are increased desired outcomes for survivors with the presence of one dependable and caring adult. Please consider being an instrumental part of the healing process for a woman in our community.

Your prayers can—and do—make a difference. We encourage you to volunteer to intercede in prayer.

Spread the Word
Hope Ranch invites you to share our message and mission with your friends, neighbors, and family. Encourage them to become involved with you.

Your Church Can Help
We believe that the church is the hope of the world. It should be the safest place on earth for people who are filled with shame and self-condemnation. The church’s open arms are really the arms of Christ, drawing all people into God’s grace and transformational power.
Hope Ranch invites your church to become involved in our mission, offering hope and healing to women who are at risk.
Please join us in saving lives through:
Sponsor as an entire church through offerings, small group, or a Sunday school class fundraiser and/or donation drive.
Unify with other Christians in combating human trafficking and exploitation. By linking arms with HR4W, you join with other believers. We are stronger together.
Hearts and hands working on property projects frees up our Hope Ranch Team to focus on the women we serve.
Christians motivated and empowered by the love of Jesus impact women for a lifetime. Encourage the women in your congregation to explore becoming a mentor.

Other Ways to Support Us
Dillons Community Rewards
- Members must visit the Dillons website at
- Sign in OR Create an account
- Click on the “Get Started” button in the bottom box, “Link your Shopper’s Card”
- Enter the 5-digit NPO EN097 and search
- Select HOPE RANCH FOR WOMEN, INC. and click on “Enroll”
For More Information
To learn more about how you can help, please contact us. We would love to answer your questions.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
– John 3:17